
Course curriculum

    1. Vocabulary

    2. Handouts

    1. 0100-Intro to Data Ecosystem

    2. 0200-What is the Internet

    3. 0300-Background-Spot Quiz

    4. 0400-Cyber Geeks

    5. 0500-This Jen Video

    1. 1000-Data Technology

    2. 1100-Data Protocols

    3. 1200-The Data Ecosystem

    4. 1300-Data Regulators

    5. 1400-Finding Things in IP

    6. 1500-Domain Name Services Video

    7. 1600-Finding People

    8. 1700-NAT - Video

    1. 2000-Recap

    2. 2100-Codecs

    3. 2200-SIP

    4. 2300-AAA Overview

    5. 2400-ARP and DHCP

    1. 3000-Radius and Diameter

    2. 3100-SNMP

    3. 3200-Navigation

    4. 3300-Fixed

    1. Quiz

About this unit

  • $250.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content