
Course curriculum

    1. Handouts

    2. Vocabulary

    1. 0100-Introduction to Interconnect

    2. 0200-An Historical Perspective on ICO

    3. 0300-Interconnect Operational Ecosystem

    4. 0400-Partners & Agreements

    5. 0500-Intereconnect Operations

    6. 0600-Interconnect Traffic Analysis

    1. 1000-Manual Routing Example

    2. 1100-Trunkgroups & Routing Tables

    3. 1300-Rating Controls

    4. 1400-BIllCycle Controls

    1. 2000-Managing Agreements

    2. 2100-Long Distance - Video

    3. 2200-Credit-SLA

    4. 2300-Settlement

    1. Quiz

    1. Request Next Class

About this course

  • $250.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content