
Course curriculum

    1. Handouts

    2. Vocabulary

    1. 0100-Intro To Corporate Services

    2. 0200-Corporate Services - Video

    3. 0300-The Evolution of Corporate Services

    4. 0400-Carrier Grade Services

    5. 0500-The OSI Layers - Video

    6. 0600-Layer 1 Services

    7. 0700-Layer2 Services

    1. 1000-Layer 3 Services

    2. 1100-Layer 4 Services

    3. 1200-Application Layers 5-6-7

    4. 1300-Services Solution

    5. 1400-Connectivity Services

    6. 1500-Leased Lines vs MetroEther

    7. 1600-Ocean Cable

    8. 1700-Ocean Cable - Video

    1. 2000-Software Defined Networks and NFV

    2. 2100-SDN-NFV Videos

    3. 2200-VirtualNetworkMIgration

    4. 2300-About MPLS - A Video

    5. 2400-MPLS v Metro Ether - Video

    6. 2500-Satellite

    7. 2600-Satellite-Video

    1. 3000-Transport Ecosystems

    2. 3100- An Intoduction to IPX

    3. 3200-Connectivity Business

    4. 3300-Connectivity Process

    5. 3400-Connecitivity Controls

    1. Quiz

About this course

  • $250.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content